Meet Dave Nobile

Technical Services Group Manager Americas


Dave Nobile

Technical Services Group Manager Americas

Dave Nobile is a key technical resource in contamination control for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, microelectronic, disk drive, aerospace, and other critical manufacturing industries. He is currently manager of the Technical Services Group for Contec, Inc.


He has over thirty-seven years of experience in developing products and processes for cleanroom and other industrial applications, and holds eight product and design patents. Mr. Nobile has conducted numerous seminars and presentations, including “Wiping Theory and Techniques”, “Cleaning the Cleanroom”, and “The True Value of Presats”. He has written several articles related to cleanroom contamination control. 

Mr. Nobile is currently vice president of the Contamination Control division of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), and chaired the Working Group 004 to revise the IEST RP-004 test methods “Evaluation of Wipers Used in Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments”. Previously, he was Engineering Manager for Coventry Manufacturing, and received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in mechanical engineering from California State Polytechnic University.